Government Legislations

Industry News

2024 Government Legislations

8 July 2024 Published by VSL Trade 1 min read

2024 Government Legislations

The UK Disposable Vape Ban: Impacts and Alternatives

According to the new regulations, enforceable by Trading Standards Officers, it will be an offence for anyone in the course of business to supply a single-use vape.

This includes individuals who offer to supply or possess single-use vapes with the intention to supply them.

What's the Latest?

Understanding Disposable Devices

A disposable vape is a single-use device not intended for reuse. To be reusable, a vape must be both rechargeable and refillable. A refillable vape can include a single-use container that is replaceable or a container that can be refilled. A device is not considered rechargeable if it has a non-replaceable battery or coil.

Timeline for the Ban

The disposable vape ban is set to be enforced on 1 April 2025, following a six-month transition period beginning 1 October 2024. This regulation applies to all devolved nations in the UK.

Impacts on Retailers

New consumer polling indicates that nearly 24% of current disposable vape users plan to continue using them post-ban, potentially through illicit sources. However, alternative solutions, including closed-pod and open-pod systems, are available and can offer better experiences. Retailers should explore these alternatives and consult their VSL Rep for guidance or check the VSL Trade App for trending products.

  • The Tobacco and Vapes Bill

    The Tobacco and Vapes Bill aimed to regulate flavours, ingredients, packaging, and product displays. Despite progressing through several stages in Parliament, the bill was not completed before the general election and has now been scrapped. The new government will need to reintroduce the bill from scratch.

  • Recycling Vapes

    As of 31 March 2024, all vape retailers must offer a disposal option for old vapes. This includes a one-for-one recycling facility where customers can return old vapes when purchasing new ones. Retailers should provide an in-store bin and display information about the recycling service. Enforcement began in April 2024, managed by the Office for Product Safety and Standards.

Get ahead of the 2025 Disposable ban!

Retailers must prepare for the upcoming disposable vape ban by exploring reusable alternatives and setting up recycling facilities. Staying informed about legislative changes and consumer trends will be crucial for compliance and continued success in the vape market.

If you’re interested in moving away from disposable vapes to get ahead of the ban, speak to your VSL Rep for advice on what is trending or check out the other categories on the VSL Trade App such as ‘Legal Big Puff’ vapes.

We will continue to keep you updated about government legislation.

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